The Real and Bitter truth of Indian Caste and Varna System.How to abolish Caste System

Hello!!! Friends basically I don't write this types of article,but today I am writing this article because I want to share an important information which I gained by researching in various websites,books and mainly VEDAS.

The Topic is INDIAN CASTE AND VARNA SYSTEM,it is one of the most controversial topic in india.
It is the main led which divides hindu from hindu,one who belongs to one varna can only marry one of their own varna. But all this is only bullshits and idiotness ,people doesn't know the real meaning and history of varna system and do this type of brainless things so,today I am going to tell you the real truth of varna system which is written in real vedas Not in Edited Vedas.

Basically when hindu civilisation is started veds are not written physically but it is transfered from one generation to another orally and this is the main reason for the edition of new things in vedas.
In main vedas it is mentioned that their are four varnas(groups) of people :-

BRAMHINS - One who worship god and share their knowledge for the humans good.

KSHATRIYA - One who rule,fight and protect the civilisation.

VAISHYA - One who trade and do business.

SHUDRA - One who do all the other remaining work or not work.

All varnas are equal that time no one is lower or supe
And That time anyone can choose their work, in other worlds one whose father is shudra by work and he also born as shudra,(yes everyone was shudra when they born but later becomes bramhins,kshatriya,vaishya or remains as shudra by the work he choose for our self) can later become bramhin if he work as bramhin or can become kshatriya if he work as kshatriya.

But some people edited vedas due to the greed of ourself because they wanted that their sons also do the same work they do and remained as bramhins,kshatriya,etc.
And now we foolish people believe in the edited ones.

How Can We abolish caste system?

The way i am going to tell you is one of the most powerful way to abolish caste system.
First you tell me how you know any persons caste without researching but him,by his surname na
yes we need to change our surname first to abolish caste system and we should change our name to that one which doesn't define any caste.
For Example:- Amitabh Bacchan's father real name was Harivansh Rai Shrivastav but he boycotted caste system and changed his surname to Bachchan 

And another important way is inter-caste marriage it is very powerful method, we have to only do that we have to marry people of other caste and we should only marriage one of our caste when we really love them and if we want to do arrange marriage then only do that with other caste,If we use this method it will mix people of all kinds and caste system will automatically abolish.

we also have to do the same thing and sorry because this article is too short but i have many things which i want that hindus should known.
