Earn Money by only copy & paste.Earn upto 5000$.

Friends everyone's loves Money and want to earn it easily.so,friends today i will show you how you can earn money very easily.so,lets start.

Almost of you have seen some times when you click on any link,some ads tabs are opened automatically in your phone.Friends these links are shrinked links and,when you click on it the publisher get the money of your Clicks and impression.
Friends you can also earn money by shrinking the links only you need to follow this steps-

(1)Open the za.gl.com in your browser

(2)Make an account in za.gl

(3)Now copy any URL of any page

(4)And Paste it in this bar-
(5)Click the shorten button and shrink the link.

Share this link with friends and earn money when they click on that link.(NOTE:PLEASE DO NOT CLICK ON YOUR OWN LINKS)
